Baby Blessing Blankets

When a baby is born in the congregation, we present the parents with a handmade baby blessing blanket that has been prayed over by our congregation. Volunteers are needed to knit, crochet, quilt or sew baby blankets. Please contact Michelle Parker-Clark at for more information.

Prayer Blankets

A handmade prayer blanket or shawl that has been prayed over by the congregation is given to those who are undergoing treatments or are critically ill. Volunteers are needed to knit, crochet, quilt or sew prayer blankets or shawls. Please contact Michelle Parker-Clark at for more information.

Book Bags for Haiti

Occasionally during the year, members of the congregations are offered the opportunity to help sew simple book bags for children in Haiti. Completed bags are sent to our Illinois Great Rivers conference center in Springfield and they are then sent on to Haiti. Please contact Ada Heller at (618) 534-0934 for more information.

Blankets for Those in Need

Putting together simple but colorful blanket-quilts is another special offering to those in need right in our community. Volunteers get together to help assemble and tie these quilts, which are then given to a local charity organization for distribution. Please contact Ada Heller at (618) 534-0934 for more information.

Card Ministry

Cards are sent monthly to homebound, nursing home and other members for various occasions throughout the year. The cards with addresses provided are available to pick up during altar prayer time on the first Sunday of the month. Volunteers are needed to write a brief greeting and mail the card. No experience necessary! Please contact Trina Eaton at for more information.