Apple Pancake Breakfast
The annual Apple Pancake Breakfast is a ministry of the United Methodist Men, but it takes the team efforts of the congregation to accomplish. It is held in the Fellowship Hall the Saturday morning of the Murphysboro Apple Festival Parade. Many volunteers are needed for this fun-filled event.
Bookcase Project
The “My Own Bookcase” project is co-sponsored by MUMC and the Murphysboro Kiwanis Club, and the goal is to improve literacy in children in our community. Handmade bookcases and books are presented to students from the Murphysboro Head Start Program who will be entering Kindergarten in the fall. Volunteers are welcome to help make bookcases, collect books, and plan the bookcase presentation ceremony.
Caring for Kids
Every year during the month of July & August, Murphysboro United Methodist Church supports the schools and organizations that assist our community children with basic needs. The congregation collects and donates items such as school supplies, backpacks, new and gently used books, clothing and food items, and cash and gift cards. Please contact the Church office for more information.
Community Christmas Dinner
The Murphysboro Community Christmas Dinner has been held on Christmas Day for over 20 years. It started as an Eagle Scout project. The project continued through the support from a Sunday School class at MUMC. It is supported by contributions from MUMC and other churches, individuals, organizations, and businesses. Volunteers come from all walks of life. The dinner is held at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Home deliveries are available to the homebound. Please contact Ed or Jennifer O’Donnell at (618) 534-3822 or for more information.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels is a service that delivers meals to shut-ins or those who are unable to get out on their own for nutritious meals. Teams from MUMC deliver these meals in the community on the third week of each month. Each team consists of two people and a route takes an hour or less.
Mission Trips for Adults
Adults travel to a variety of locations at least one time per year to work in areas of need. Destinations include areas for disaster relief, poverty needs, and faith-building ministries. Spending an intensive time on a mission trip can truly be a transformational experience, for those giving and for those receiving. Please contact Gene Schwebel at (618) 521-0879 or for more information.
Murphysboro Food Pantry
Murphysboro Food Pantry is the largest USDA food pantry in Jackson County. The pantry is supported by MUMC along with other churches, community organizations, and private donors. The pantry is open from 9:00 – 11:00 am Monday through Friday for food distribution. Many members of MUMC volunteer and sit on the pantry’s governing board. The opportunity to volunteer is always available.
Our Neighbor’s Table
On the last Sunday of each month, a free, hot, home-cooked meal of chicken and dumplings, mashed potatoes, a vegetable and dessert is served to anyone who comes to the Fellowship Hall at noon. Those who come include people from the community in need of a meal for their family, as well as members of the MUMC church family. The Our Neighbor’s Table team welcomes hosts and hostesses, servers, clean-up crew and cooks. No experience is required!
Relay for Life
The Methodists on a Mission Relay for Life team is part of the Service and Missions Committee at MUMC. MUMC’s Relay for Life team raises funds during the year to benefit the American Cancer Society’s fight against cancer. The team is comprised of people of all ages from the church family who are committed to helping win the battle against cancer.
Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat, which is held in the DeSoto and Murphysboro UMC parking lots on Halloween, provides a safe and fun environment for the community children to trick or treat. Volunteers decorate the trunks of their cars and pass out donated candy. Donations of candy and trunks are always needed for the hundreds of children who come.
Yard Sale
This bi-annual event is always in need of donated items and persons to sort, stock and price the items as they come in. The sale runs on a Friday evening and Saturday morning until noon. This event has become a way for MUMC to help support the community. Volunteers are also needed to help customers at the sale. Please contact Lynn Pierson at (618) 684-3601 or for more information.