MUMC services of worship and praise are communal experiences. We gather together to hear the Word of God and sing and pray as a congregation. Church volunteers make vital contributions to the worship services in a variety of ways.



Liturgists read the scripture readings to the congregation during the Traditional Service on Sunday morning. Readers receive the scripture in advance. Volunteers are needed. Please contact Gaye Auxier at (618) 565-1238 or mizaux@redbudhill.com for more information.


Greeters play a vital role in helping everyone who enters the church Sanctuary feel welcome. There is a greeter at each entrance of the Sanctuary, for both the Traditional and Praise Services, to welcome individuals and give them the Bulletin with the order of worship. Volunteers are always needed. Please contact Michelle Parker-Clark at (618) 922-3587 or mpclark@siu.edu for more information.


The acolytes are trained youth volunteers who are in approximately 3rd through 6th grade. The acolytes bring the light of Christ into the Sanctuary for the Traditional Service on Sunday morning. They also take the light of Christ out at the end of the service. For more information, please contact MaryJane Williams at mjwilliams1121@gmail.com.


Usher teams serve both the Traditional and Praise Services. They are responsible for passing out attendance pads, collecting the offering, and assisting the acolytes, among other duties. The usher team is a servant-hearted group of men and women whose ministry is integral to church life. Please contact Ron Moutardier at (618) 303-0679 for more information.

Van Drivers

Drivers use the church van to bring people to church who would not otherwise be able to attend because of lack of transportation or because they can no longer drive. Volunteer van drivers pick people up at their homes and take them back either after the church service or Sunday School. Please contact Rob Williams at (618) 713-0843 or duckhookwille@gmail.com for more information.


A team of two people is needed to run the sound board and computer system for the overhead screens during both Sunday worship services. Volunteers can be trained during Praise Team practices on Tuesday evenings. Please contact the church office for more information.

Video Crew

Portions of the Sunday morning Traditional Service are recorded, including the pastor’s sermon, so that it can be posted on YouTube and the church website. This is a service to those who are unable to attend church on Sunday morning, and it is also an outreach and evangelism effort in support of our Church mission to reach those who want to learn about our church and grow in their Christian faith. Volunteers are needed to run the equipment on Sunday mornings at the Traditional Service. Some camera knowledge is helpful. Please contact Anne Johnson at (618) 513-2744 or atj1607@gmail.com for more information.