You are invited!


Click here for the MUMC Calendar of Events.


Sermon Series

Starting March 9th



Next Sermon Series

You Decide What We Preach

April 27th


Pastor Preach This Request Form


Healthy Eating Presentation

March 7th, from 10:30am-11:30am 

There will be a presentation by Janet Porter on healthy eating. Everyone is invited. People who plan to attend should sign up on the attendance pad or call the church office. Janet is a retired dietician from long term care and hospitals.


Sister-In-Spirit Ladies Seminar

March 8th, Bus leaves from MUMC at 7:30am-

What: Sister-in-Spirit Ladies Seminar; Breakfast & Shopping from 8:00-10:00 am. Speaker, Dr. Terri Brassfield, at 10:00 am.

When: Saturday, March 8th

Time: 8:00-Noon

Where: Grange Hall Freewill Baptist Church


This event is free but you must register online to attend.


Call the office to sign up to ride the bus.


Deadline to apply is Thursday, February 27th. Here’s a link to register online.


Lucky Charm Luncheon

March 16th 1:00pm

Tickets on sale now $20 for Corn Beef n Cabbage and all the fixens plus live music from Carter & Connelly.  We are collecting silent auctions items now, (from each group would be great, Classes, Choir, UMM, Book Club,etc…) and don’t forget to start working on your best Green & Gold dressed outfit.



Festival of Quilts Bus Trip

April 4th 

More Information coming soon. 


Good Friday Service

April 18th 7pm


Safe Sanctuaries Training

April 26th 10am – Noon

Benton UMC


15th Annual Women’s Prayer Breakfast

May 3rd, Grace UMC  at 9:00am

“The Fifteenth Annual Women’s Prayer Breakfast will be held on Saturday, May 3rd from 9-11:30 am at Grace Methodist Church in Carbondale. Enjoy a delicious breakfast, music, a speaker, door prizes, a silent auction and more!
Mark your calendar for this special event. You won’t want to miss it!
Tickets are $15 each and will go on sale Sunday, April 6th. A table of six may be reserved.
Contact Rosie Wece or Michelle Parker-Clark if you have any questions.




Youth Fellowship

1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month 5:00pm

in our Youth Room (meal provided) 

Ages 5th – 12th Grade

Bible Journaling Your Faith

Second Monday of every month starting at 4:00pm, in the Fellowship Hall

Bible Journaling Your Faith is a recurring class where you can learn the exciting and creative process of making art in your Bible as a way to connect deeper with scripture and with God. Newcomers are always welcome! The class is led by Patti Shields and Rosie Wece. Please contact Rosie Wece at for more information.

Prayers & Squares

First & Third Monday of every month starting at 9:30am, in the Fellowship Hall 

The Quilting Group is all in stitches about their new name – The Prayers and Squares Quilting Workshop. We have resumed meeting in the Fellowship Hall on the third Monday of each month and we would love to have you join us. If you are an expert quilter please come, bring your sewing machine, and share your talent and skill with others. If you are a novice and don’t know your bobbin from your feed dog, please come and be prepared to learn. We are here to help you explore your creative side by making projects for family, friends, those in need in our local communities, and maybe even something for yourself.

MUMC Choir

Every Wednesday at 5:45 pm

August – May

No age requirement nor a fee to join.
Come help us revive this much loved ministry. 

Bible Study

Every Wednesday starting at 7:00pm in Room 202
Come dig into God’s Word in “One Story That Leads To Jesus”, led by our Pastor Marty McMichael and designed as an interactive study and discussion to allow us to grow together in knowing who God is.

Stretching with Rosie

Every Friday at 9:00am (Stretching) 

MUMC Church Fellowship Hall

Join Stretching with Rosie every Friday morning at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. 

Feeder of the Pack 

2nd Friday of Every Month at 9:00 am

Murphysboro Food Pantry 


Women’s Bunco Event

Last Friday of each Month, 10am-1pm


Exciting fun! Women have a Bunco event coming up soon (no money involved, only prizes). (One of the ladies in my stretch group will lead us since I know nothing about it). Here are the details:

When: Last Friday or each Month

Time: 10:00 – Noon (Bunco)

Lunch: Noon – 1:00 pm

There will be prizes, lunch and a good time will be had by all. We need even numbers – 12, 16 or 20 ladies to commit to play. Must sign up on the attendance pad or call the church office to participate.


Hand Bell Choir

Every Saturday at 9:00 am

 Sept – May

United Methodist Men

Second Saturday of every month Saturday, at 7:30 am

All men are invited to attend! The United Methodist Men meet regularly the second Saturday of each month at 7:30 am to enjoy breakfast, devotions, and participate in church and community projects. Please contact the Church office for more information or to sign-up to attend the next breakfast. 

Saturday Morning Book Club

Third Saturday of every month at 10:30 am in room 110


Everyone is welcome!

Our Neighbor’s Table

Last Sunday of each month at 12:00 pm

MUMC Fellowship Hall

FREE community meal the last Sunday of each month. Dinner is served with dessert and beverage.