Murphysboro United Methodist Church
    One Call Now & Constant Contact Opt-In Form

    This is the form that gives MUMC permission to upload your contact information into the One Call Now & Constant Contact systems so you can receive automated messages regarding activities at the church.

    Name of person submitting this form: *

    Email of person submitting this form: *


    Name: *

    Select only one of the following phone numbers to go into One Call Now: *
    Home PhoneCell Phone
    Please provide number: *

    In addition to a phone number, you can also have an email address in the One Call Now system. *
    Yes, include my email address.No, do not include my email address.
    If yes, please provide the email address to be used in One Call Now:

    Would you like to be included in the weekly Grapevine phone message group? *

    Would you like to be included in the Constant Contact message group? *
    If yes, please provide the email address to be used in Constant Contact:

    I hereby give my permission for Murphysboro United Methodist Church to upload my name, phone number, and email information as given above, into the One Call Now and/or Constant Contact systems, and to use the system(s) to send me automated messages regarding activities at the church. I realize that I can revoke this permission at any time by notifying the church office.

    Electronic Signature (please type your name): *

    Today's date: *

    To prevent automated spam submissions, please enter the characters shown in the CAPTCHA image above.

    Hit Send to submit this form to the Church Office.