MUMC Prayer Chain Email

When there are prayer needs in the congregation, we start praying about them immediately by sharing the concerns through an email message. Please call or email if you have a prayer need or would like to participate in this prayer ministry. Please contact Mary Ellen Tierney at (618) 684-8847 or for more information.

Praying Over the Pews

A faithful team of prayer warriors starts each Sunday before worship services by praying over the pews, blessing the entire congregation, the pulpit, praying for the preaching of the Word, for all the worship leaders and for the instrumentalists and singers. Please contact Candy Watt at (618) 559-3332 or for more information.


Praying for the Pastor

A few volunteers gather to pray with and for the pastor and the worship team before services on Sunday mornings. Interested persons gather in the Prayer Room at 8:50 am immediately before the Traditional Service to pray together. Please contact Candy Watt at (618) 559-3332 or for more information.

Prayer Room

The Prayer Room is located at the back of the Sanctuary and is a special private place set aside for prayer. It is also used for intercessory prayers for members of the church who have requested a specific prayer during the Sunday worship service. Please contact Candy Watt at (618) 559-3332 or for more information.