Children’s Sermon
During both Sunday morning worship services, the children are called to the front to sit for a short Children’s Sermon given by Pastor Larry. Sometimes others from the congregation also help provide the message to the children. Please contact Pastor Larry at for more information.
Children’s Church
During each Sunday morning worship service, after the Children’s Sermon and Pastoral Prayer, children up through 3rd grade are released to go to Children’s Church if they wish. This special time gives kids more opportunity for interaction and learning in a context and manner that may be better suited to their age and learning styles. Our friendly children’s church volunteers – a rotating crew of adults and junior and senior high helpers – have an endless stream of creativity, ranging from puppet shows to games to object lessons. Children learn about God through activities and songs. Volunteers are welcome to join this team. Please contact Emily Hargraves at (618) 559-0329 or for more information.
A nursery with a certified attendant is provided for children three years and younger during both Sunday morning worship services and Sunday School. The Nursery is typically available during small group studies as well for children of all ages. The Nursery is located just outside the north doors of the Sanctuary. Adult volunteers are needed to assist the nursery worker each Sunday. Donations of peanut-free snacks, juice boxes, and baby wipes are always needed. Please contact Jamie Green at for more information.
Sunday School for Children & Teens
Sunday School classes start at 10:10 am (after the Traditional Service) every Sunday morning. Click here for a full list of Children & Youth Sunday School classes and teachers. Volunteers are often needed to teach and assist with Sunday School classes. Please contact Diane Schingel at for more information.
Mission Trips for Teens
Mission trips can be a powerful opportunity for teens to learn and grow as they take more steps on their faith journey. The ability to serve with their peers and adult mentors on projects designed to help others is an experience that broadens teens’ understanding of the needs of others. Mission trips are offered under the guidance of knowledgeable adults of the church. Please contact Lacey Brown at (618) 525-5106 or for more information.
Summer Church Camp
Camp offers fun, fellowship and opportunity for developing a closer relationship with God. Little Grassy United Methodist Church Camp is just south of Carbondale. There are many camp themes for children from lower elementary through teens. MUMC strongly supports camping opportunities for youth and funds a significant portion of camp costs. Visit For more information, please contact Andy McNitt at (618) 201-2135, Nancy McNitt at (618) 201-1533, or Christine Nolan at (618) 687-2317.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is planned for a week each summer around an exciting theme. A meal is served each evening before VBS begins. This endeavor takes much time and help. It is a very rewarding community outreach. Volunteers are needed! Please contact Laurie Nehring at (618) 303-2777 or Tonya Walker at (618) 559-0573 for more information.
Youth Groups
Youth Groups are available for children & youth ages 3rd grade through high school. Click here for a full list of Youth Groups and leaders. Please contact Laurie Nehring at (618) 303-2777 or for more information.