Hello, I’m Pastor Marty and I just want to welcome you to Murphysboro United Methodist Church. I want to affirm that you have come to the right place. ALL ARE WELCOME HERE!!!
I pray that you find this a friendly place where people in need of a Savior come for refuge. I pray that we say or do something that will speak to that God part in you which is longing to connect with your true source. We are not perfect, and suspect neither are you. However, we serve a unique and perfect God that can take our imperfections and turn them into something beautiful.
So, will you take the step of faith and risk getting to know us. I know that I greatly desire to know you, your journey, your needs, your gifts, and aspirations. You can call any of the person below to get started. Each are on our Initial Welcome Team. They will try and connect you and your children to ministry, family activities and fellowship that will build mind, body, and soul…
Now here is what we know. God loves us ALL and is calling us to holy living. We know that we ALL are in the same boat with holes in the bottom; in need of a Savior to rescue us. We know He has come; His name is Jesus, and He saves! Will you join us on this wonderful journey, we are better together?
Initial Welcome Team
Men’s Ministry & Church Administration:
Richard Tierney – (618)521-5763 or menrt@frontier.com
Patti Mills – (618)534-1475 or deanshield@aol.com
Wilma Westerfield- (618)534-1061 or wmwcof@frontier.com
Janet Porter-(618)713-8457 or treasurechestporter@yahoo.com
Vanessa Lirely-(618)201-6014 or vanessalirely@gmail.com
Member’s Support:
Nancy Fager- (618)303-3883 or nancy.fager56@gmail.com
Marty McMichael-(618)687-2317 or mumc.pastormarty@gmail.com
Congregation Care:
Michelle Parker-Clark-(618)687-2317 or mumc.visitationminister@gmail.com
Office Contact:
Phone (618)687-2317 or murphysboroumc@gmail.com